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Welcome to my blog

Welcome to the first blog post on my new website.

Hello and welcome to my blog. Here you’ll find general ramblings and updates about what I’ve been up to and things that inspire me.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the first post on my shiny new website. I hope you enjoy reading it!

If you follow me on other social media platforms you’ll know how much I enjoy spending time in my garden, whether it be pulling up weeds (of which there are many!) or planting roses. The hours seem to just whizz by and I always lose track of time. But it’s not just my perfect place for clearing my head but it’s also where I get a lot of plot-wrangling done on the current work-in-progress, with my thoughts working through various ideas, situations and solutions. It takes some pretty bad weather to put me off a gardening session.

I love gentle shades of purples, creams and pinks, with roses being a big favourite. Having said that, no rose will get through the garden gate unless it’s heavily fragranced – even a light fragrance is a dealbreaker for me. Being so fussy is definitely worth it when I’m sitting outside with a cup of tea savouring the wonderful heady perfume.

Now we’re well into spring, the garden is coming back to life and I’m really looking forward to seeing all of these beautiful blooms after their winter sleep.

I’ve got all sorts of exciting plans for the garden this year with the main objective being to attract more wildlife. This includes the addition of a pond complete with a little tumbling waterfall. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes! Until then, take care and pop back again soon.